Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Internet and Promiscuity

Mass media has become an institution that greatly effects the way people develop relationship with each other. The internet has enabled faster friendships, but with these almost immediate connections, do the bonds between two people strengthen? Or because of the fast paced world we live in, do these relationships (sexual or not) come and go in short spurts?

The creation and popularity of such sites like Myspace, Facebook, and Friendster certainly enable these cyber interactions. In some cases the interaction between two people is so deep that it can distract from an individual's real life. But where does the line of real life end and a virtual life begin? Second Life and World of Warcraft let people "escape" any reality they dislike. For individuals who can not fit in with their social network the internet suddenly allows them to create a new identity and become socially accepted in the cyberspace world.

What about promiscuity? How does the internet affect acceptance of or distaste for the term? How does the internet bring a new meaning to promiscuity? Thoughts?

I believe in a way the internet is desensitizing the term promiscuity. Sites such as myspace have developed a social network that encourages young girls to post promiscuous photos of themselves. (Let me state that I believe it is the network of those on myspace and not the makers of myspace itself that feed this behavior) Yes, there is still a line that can be crossed when it comes to promiscuity, but most girls and young women walk the line between socially accepted (on the internet) and socially deviant. In a way the cyber walls close off an openness, trust, and truth that comes from face-to-face interactions.

What the internet lacks in truth it makes up for in acceptance and encouragement of deviant behavior. The cyber walls allow individuals to step out of their everyday norms and explore their hidden desires. In this masked world promiscuity thrives.


Liz W. said...

I agree, Amy. Online, especially with the advent of Facebook, Myspace, etc, it's so much easier for young girls to push "the line" that you wrote about. I see so many of my younger friends (in high school/middle school) mimic the behavior that they see displayed in profiles belonging to college students. It seems unhealthy... like six year olds wearing Prada and Gucci. :)

Anonymous said...

The Internet also gives an unbelievable opportunity to attention whores. You can get away with a lot more here, and reach potential millions. All you need is one of these sites and a digital camera. There's also the lack of immediate danger/discomfort.

Really, I doubt if it's promiscuity being pushed. Would the majority of promiscuous picture publishers actually be promiscuous in person? Or does simply making photos available count as being promiscuous?