Monday, March 24, 2008

A Double-Standard Institutionalized in Slang

When thinking about the words we use and where they come from, I think it’s important to consider the patriarchal implications of those associated with sexual behavior.  Think about the words we use to describe “promiscuous” women: slut, whore, floozy, tramp, cumdumpster, harlot, bitch, ho, and femme fatale.  These words are all negative and degrading in their connotation, not to mention, the words themselves are no less than moral indictments.  Meanwhile, the words we use for “promiscuous” men are generally glorifying recognitions of conquest and/or domination: pimp, player, casanova, stud, and ladies’ man.  I’ve even heard the term “make-out artist” applied in this way.  It's no coincidence either that words like "pussy", slang appropriated from female anatomy, refers to men who are relatively inactive sexually or unwilling to have sex outside of a real commitment to another person.  Women walk a fine line between sexy and slutty, and to trip over that line may be as unexpected and undeserved as an accusation or rumor spread by an angry ex or jealous friend.  Men, on the other hand, enjoy a legacy of being rewarded for wanton, even exploitive sexual behavior as evidenced by language itself and perpetuated therein.  In my opinion, a serious look at language exposes a highly gendered contradiction in our characterization (our definition and moral characterization) of sexual behavior.  Further, it is clear to me that language plays a significant role in how we interpret expectations.  In other words, we are pressured into certain behaviors by the definitions commonly available to us in language.

What do you think?  (I invite your comments!)


Anonymous said...

I agree on this double standard that doesnt seem to be going away any time soon. The words that describe these women are just a way to make what they do a bad thing, when really its just a confident person that is happy with their sexuality. In society that's a bad thing for women to be confident about, while if men have sex all the time they're studs. women are supposed to be virginal, and not do things in a sexual nature, so a woman that knows what she wants and with who she wants to do those things is automatically a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

Also, women are supposed to stay in the house, rear the kids, etc. Yet all of that is changing. Much as "flapper" is an outdated term, the language involving this issue will probably (hopefully) fade out or change. For example, I've heard boys called a man-whore or man-slut. Not exactly giant strides in gender equality, but it's got the right idea.
- Tom