Friday, April 25, 2008

The Survey

This survey is meant to explore changes in the moral characterization of sexual behavior in the last century. None of its content is meant to offend you. As a matter of social scientific ethics, your identity will remain concealed. We are looking specifically for the personal nuances of your opinion on the following matters, so do not hesitate to include any details that you feel are important.

We respectfully and gratefully accept your participation in our study.

Year of birth:

Where did you grow up (what state/country)?



How did you acquire your sexual morality? Religion? Your parents? Education? Media?

What behaviors do you associate with “promiscuous” behavior (e.g. flirting, cheating on one’s partner, etc.)? Please be as detailed as possible.

What kind of person do you typically imagine when you think about promiscuity (e.g. male, female, upper class, lower class, educated, uneducated, etc.)? Please be as detailed as possible.

How would you define “promiscuity”?

Do you believe that your definition of promiscuity is different from that of your parents? If so, how? More liberal? More conservative?

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